We are proud that we are part of the SecOPERA project (Secure OPen source softwarE and hardwaRe Adaptable framework) - funded by the European Commission, enabling secure, open source hardware and software platforms.
We are proud that we are part of the SecOPERA project (Secure OPen source softwarE and hardwaRe Adaptable framework) - funded by the European Commission, enabling secure, open source hardware and software platforms.
The Linux I2C-bus driver has grown up - 21 years ago, on Dec 21st, 1999, with patch # 2.3.34, the i2c bus subsystem has been merged with the mainline kernel.
Philips SAA 5246 Teletext decoder chip plus 2k RAM and an ST I2C-bus EEPROM at the front right corner of the PCB
Inspecting transparent objects is a common task in computer vision. One approach is the use of polarized light: In general, polarized light is sent through the object to be measured, passes a second filter in front of a camera and the result is recorded for further processing (the Vision Doctor site offers a good introduction and overview of different applications).
Die STM32MP1-Prozessorfamile von ST stellt die Basis für eine Reihe günstiger SOMs dar die sich leicht für unterschiedliche Anwendungen nutzen lassen, SOMs sind schon unter 30 EUR erhältlich (z.B.
Endlich! Unsere Denk- und/ Kreativ Lounge ist fertig und wartet auf neue Ideen!
ToF cameras can be used for efficiently tracking rigid and non-rigid objects. Object detection, segmentation and tracking can be easily performed by inspecting distance and amplitude data. The following scenes show a person filmed from the ceiling (camera pointing downwards, distances are color-coded from green=near to blue=far):