We are proud that we are part of the SecOPERA project (Secure OPen source softwarE and hardwaRe Adaptable framework) - funded by the European Commission, enabling secure, open source hardware and software platforms.

Automotive Development Platform

Polarising Results

Inspecting transparent objects is a common task in computer vision. One approach is the use of polarized light: In general, polarized light is sent through the object to be measured, passes a second filter in front of a camera and the result is recorded for further processing (the Vision Doctor site offers a good introduction and overview of different applications).

ToF Aktivitätsanalyse

ToF cameras can be used for efficiently tracking rigid and non-rigid objects. Object detection, segmentation and tracking can be easily performed by inspecting distance and amplitude data. The following scenes show a person filmed from the ceiling (camera pointing downwards, distances are color-coded from green=near to blue=far):